Can you hear shapes? Skilled at visual learning? Measure your musical-visual intelligence

This is a novel method to measure an often overlooked aspect of intelligence.

What is AMVI? Associative Musical Visual Intelligence (or "amvi" for short) is a type of intelligence that's difficult enough to define, let alone test. Many creative people can associate across sensory domains: they "hear" hints of shapes and can "taste" the essense of colors. At its most extreme this phenomenon is called synesthesia. However, I believe that creative people subconsciously employ elements of synesthesia every day when attempting to think of things in new ways. This is a logic test that attempts to measure one's ability to correlate musical phrases with abstract shapes and symbols.

Like the tonedeaf test, this test is purposefully made very hard, so even trained musicians rarely score above 90% correct. However, no musical training is required to take the test: Give it a try! After the test, the statistics for each question are provided at the bottom of this page.

About me:
I am a staff radiologist in the division of Musculoskeletal Imaging and Intervention at Brigham and Women's Hospital. Before I started medical school, I had a career as a musician, composing several electronic music albums under my own name.

After completing the test, your score will be automatically and anonymously submitted.


If you've enjoyed this test, you also be interested in taking one of the three other musical tests I've developed.

1) Are you tonedeaf? The first musical test I made. Compare a number of musical phrases spanning many musical styles: is each pair of phrases the same or different? After the test, you can compare your results to 66,000 subjects.

2) Measure your pitch perception abilities with the adaptive pitch test. Compare the pitch of two tones, which get closer and closer together as your performance gets better. Make it a game or use it for practice. Compare your performance to thousands of subjects.

3) Evaluate your rhythm comparison abilities with the rhythm test. If you thought the tonedeaf test was tough, it is much more difficult to remember and compare complex percussion patterns. Give it a try.

Average score: 72.0%
(Standard Deviation 15.6%)

The following table shows what percentage of first-time test-takers got each trial correct.

Trial 1: 66% Trial 11: 82%
Trial 2: 41% Trial 12: 83%
Trial 3: 63% Trial 13: 79%
Trial 4: 76% Trial 14: 73%
Trial 5: 92% Trial 15: 67%
Trial 6: 73% Trial 16: 90%
Trial 7: 71% Trial 17: 81%
Trial 8: 34% Trial 18: 85%
Trial 9: 55% Trial 19: 60%
Trial 10: 81% Trial 20: 88%